Cultivate Consistency, Consistency wins!!!

Author: Chhaya Makhija, MD, DipABLM

A board-certified specialist in Endocrinology & Lifestyle Medicine

How often do we set ourselves up for disappointment by chasing perfection? Whether it's striving for perfection in our personal lives, relationships, work, or hobbies, the pressure to be flawless can often lead to feelings of discouragement. But let's challenge this notion of "perfection." After all, what's perfect for one person may not be for another.  

Instead of aiming for perfection, let's focus on consistency. Consistency brings joy and motivation to our lives, whether it's maintaining healthy habits or training our minds to stay positive. Did you know that every time we repeat a task or habit, our brain forms new connections? The more we practice (consistency), the stronger these connections become, becoming ingrained in our system.

Here's a simple guide to building new connections and practicing self-care, one step at a time: 

  • Walk daily (most of the days), if your body permits, increase your pace as you build it in your habit.

  • Gratitude - thank yourself and the universe for gifting you a new day of life.

  • Eat at least one meal at the same time - then inculcate for others.

  • Eliminate processed sugar for most of the days - ideally all days, but you can decide.

  • Create a bedtime routine - No screens for the last 15-30 minutes before bedtime. Time yourself if needed.

  • Start your meal with vegetables, salads, and soups - start with one meal and then more.

  • Create a list of self-motivating dialogues with yourself: “I am strong”, “I am confident”, “I am fine”, or “I can do this” if your mind tells you otherwise.


Remember, just as you motivate others, it's crucial to motivate yourself every day. True motivation comes from within.  

Let's embrace imperfection, cultivate consistency, and embark on this journey of self-care together! 

If you want to experience a short and immersive personalized discussion and consultation on lifestyle changes and how to implement them, I have created the “Holistic Health program”. One detailed visit with me and two visits with our expert dietitian along with a plethora of health bites personalized for your health needs. This consultation does not include any drug prescriptions and no long-term commitments, AND if you like it, notice changes, and you can continue periodic visits - Consistency wins!           


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